Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fundraising with Pixel Advertising raises money and public relations for nonprofit organizations

Pixel advertising is a form of Internet advertising that is becoming increasingly popular. Advertising on a site advertising a pixel British college students who pay the money for his education has created increasing needs created huge interest in this type of advertising.

The site has earned the so-called, its creator, Alex Tew, hundreds of thousands of dollars since it launched in August 2005. Tew's homepage is a grid that is dividedin blocks of one million pixels. Pixels are sold to advertisers in blocks of 100 pixels, each 10 x 10 pixels. Each pixel block is part of a colorful mosaic of advertising on the site. raised to $ 1.00 a pixel, if the site is sold out, Tew is a million dollars for his education with creative advertising.

Could your nonprofit organization to increase, association or group of one million dollars through the sale of advertising displayed pixel blocks? E 'possible. Aboutone pixel of advertising and the site of the Million Dollar Homepage, many companies and organizations, was inspired to create your own pixel advertising campaigns. The organization may already announced the sale of advertising space in programs or other printed material. Selling Pixel Advertising is like selling any other form of advertising, except that advertising on the World Wide Web seems so long to keep your web site. The potential of millions of people see theirAdvertising for one year or more, is a big advantage for advertisers and donors.

What you need to get started with Pixel Advertising Fundraising? If the company already has a website, you can set the advertising pixels on one side of your existing site. Or buy a new domain name and set up a website exclusively for your
Pixel fundraising. Need a web hosting account for your site and a pixel advertising software program. You can use a software program and onlineinstall it yourself or have professionally installed. Your organization also has an online payment service like PayPal. If you set your website is a person in your organization need to manage and monitor the program. You can access all online advertising by selling the software as well as methods of online payments.

He tried to collect a million dollars seems a bit 'unrealistic for your organization? When you set the softwareProgram, you can set your selling price of the pixels. Decides, your company, how much money you need to increase and what will be the subject of your website advertising. If you want to raise five thousand dollars, then your five cents a pixel by pixel would sell. This would be a total block-pixel costs only five dollars. You can also set a minimum number of ad-block purchases. If your ad blocks are needed at least a thousand, then yourad block minimum cost one euro fifty very reasonable advertising space. They sold a thousand billboards, to earn fifty thousand dollars. Even if you sell your pixels for a penny a pixel, you can always earn ten thousand U.S. dollars to a pixel ad page.

How can you use the pixel advertising non-profit? could sell pixels and donate money to a charitable organization like the American Red Cross. Or, for a pixel page to raise money for a setspecific project, such as building a playground or a school class trip spring. The pixels must not only companies are sold. A group of school was in a position to sell pixels pupils or parents of an era. A graduating class could have a page of pixel and raise money for their party last night.

The possibility of raising funds through advertising pixels are unlimited. A well-designed and promoted the campaign pixel has the potential to raise funds and awareness for yourOrganization. This form of advertising, fund-raising is also worth considering as part of the fundraising strategy of the organization.

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